It only took three days, three broken sewing machine needles, a broken desk, and a few tears, but finally I have some key lanyards made! I’ve been making key fobs since late last year, but wanted to offer proper lanyards as well. So I finally sat down and found the hardware I’d need (the fabric is just a tiny bit wider than normal lanyards so finding the hooks took some searching), ordered more fabric, and whipped a few of these up. I thought these were going to be a lot easier than they ended up being, but once I got the technique down they started getting easier.
I really love how these turned out, despite that getting the first one done caused so much grief!
It’s only Monday, but I’m feeling a bit more optimistic this week than I have been. Maybe it’s just because it’s a new week, or maybe it’s because I got up early today and took a 30 minute walk before my day got started. Don’t know, don’t care. It’s just nice to have some energy today!
How are you feeling today? Do you have any plans for creative things this week? Let me know!