I know that some people (especially those with kids, it seems!) are going crazy right now with things being closed, events getting canceled, and having to stay in the house. So here’s a list of some fun, low-cost or free things you can do while we’re all trying to stay safe and healthy with this virus going around. Once you’ve read this list, be sure to let me know in the comments what you and your family are doing to keep yourself entertained right now!
Practice your drawing.
Now is a great time to get out some paper and pencils and practice your drawing! You don’t need any fancy supplies- just plain printer paper and any-old-pencil will do. There are tons of tutorials for how to draw everything from horses to comics on YouTube, Pinterest, and everywhere else online, so you can find instructions that match your skill level.
Write a letter and mail it.
There’s nothing quite like getting a letter in the mail. It’s so much more special than getting an e-mail! Now is a great time to send a card to the people you can’t be around and brighten their day. It doesn’t have to be long and involved, even, just a little note to let them know you’re thinking about them will make their day. Don’t have greeting cards on hand? Grab a set of cards from the Liz Staley store! Available in eight, twelve, and even twenty blank note cards with envelopes.
Create a Collage from old magazines.
If you don’t have old magazines or books laying around, create a digital collage using Word or even free image editing software! This collage can be a vision board of things you want to have/do in the future, follow a theme, or be related to anything at all. For extra interest, don’t just use photos, but cut out words as well and use them to add to the photos.
Bonus: Do “Found Word” poetry by clipping words from magazines and rearranging them to tell a story or create a poem.
Learn a new language.
Students can get free access to Rosetta Stone for three months, but if you’re not a student there are other free options to learn a language! Right now I’m learning Japanese with Duolingo. Remember to use scrap paper or index cards to create flashcards to help with your studies!
Upcycle your boring t-shirts to be more fashionable!
Can’t sew? Learn how with free YouTube tutorials or do no-sew alterations! Here’s an article with tons of ideas to get you started, but there are countless more things you can do with even a simple t-shirt!
Start a blog or vlog.
The only thing you need to start a vlog is a phone with a camera and a YouTube account! If you’re more comfortable writing than being in front of a camera, start a written blog instead. You can find free blog resources on-line!
Talk to friends on Discord or Zoom.
Got a group of friends you’re missing hanging out with? Set up a group call and “hang out” virtually together! Great also if you’re missing your riding buddies from the barn.
Ride Virtual theme park rides!
There are tons of first-person-view videos of rides on YouTube! Just the other day I rode the Frozen ride at Epcot, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more- and I’ve never been to a Disney park in person! Simply go to YouTube and enter the name of the ride you want to experience, and you’re sure to find a video!
Take a virtual tour of a museum or other attraction.
Lots of museums, galleries, and other attractions are currently offering virtual tours. I’m definitely going to be checking out the Winchester Mystery House Tour before this is all over.
Get out the crayons and color!
No matter what you love, there’s bound to be free coloring pages online that you can print out and spend time coloring with marker, crayon, or colored pencils. Use whatever you have on hand! Want some horse coloring and activity pages? I have a bundle available here!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, just the things that I could think up this morning! Help me add to the list by sending me your ideas! What are you doing during social distancing? Are you trying anything new?