Sometimes I feel like I have artistic ADD. I like to go from new art project to new art project, experiment with styles, mediums, subjects, and even going to completely different types of art! I’ve probably tried more different types of art than I can even remember, but there’s always something more that I’d like to try. In a perfect world where I had infinite time, money, and resources, these are the types of art that I’d love to try.
I can remember looking at Tandy Leather catalogs and drooling over the leather stamping and carving tools when I was as young as middle or high school. I used to love getting those leather craft kits where you’d make a bag or a medicine pouch from pre-cut and punched pieces. But I always wanted to get the mallets and design stamps and make the elaborate, beautifully tooled pieces I’d see in the catalogs. I still love the look of tooled leather- have you ever seen the English saddles that are tooled like fancy Western ones? They’re amazing!- but haven’t ever had the time, money, or space to get into the craft. Maybe one day, but for now I will admire all the gorgeous works of leathercraft that talented makers create!

When I was in high school, we went through a stint of being interested in sculpting, specifically with polymer clay. I’m not gifted with sculpting, but sometimes it is nice to make something that’s got a third dimension to it. In my high school art classes we would sometimes do clay projects where we’d make pots using different techniques, none of which turned out well for me. I remember a coil pot that came out of the kiln having fallen over and was very sad looking. But even though I haven’t had a lot of luck with pottery, I’ve always wanted to try throwing a pot on a wheel. I don’t know if that fascination is because I watched “Ghost” a lot as a kid (Even though the ending of it terrified me and gave me nightmares) or what, but I’ve just always thought pottery wheels look like a lot of fun. A giant mess, but a lot of fun!
My first job out of college was at an Office Depot, working in the copy center. I actually really liked that job, even though the copy machines constantly seemed to break and I attracted all the crazy customers, because I got to be creative sometimes and because I had access to all the really fun machines. One of the things I really liked doing was bookbinding, especially with the Perfect Binding machine that we had. You’d put the papers into the machine with the side you wanted to be the spine facing down, then load in a tape strip. The machine would hold the papers in place, heat the glue on the tape strip, and then fold the tape strip around the papers to make a book. And I loved it! I thought it was just the coolest thing, and I’ve wanted to try other forms of bookbinding ever since. I have a sketchbook that a friend made me a few years ago and he sewed the registers by hand. It’s one of my favorite possessions and I kinda can’t bring myself to really use it because it’s so special. So anyway, this is a long-winded way of me saying that I’ve always wanted to try other forms of bookbinding so I could make my own books and sketchbooks.

I don’t think there’s one member of my family that is musically inclined. I had a cheapo recorder as a kid with a book of songs from Aladdin, but I wasn’t ever actually good at it. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, preferably the piano/keyboard or the guitar. Keyboard might be better because it would require a little less finger strength (I’d assume?) and sometimes my hands ache just from working on a piece of art. Hopefully one day I’ll get a chance to play around with learning something, even if I can only play one song.
Am I the only one who loves putting together those cheapo furniture things? There’s something so very satisfying about creating something that’s useful, like a bookshelf or a desk. Which is why I’d love to learn how to do woodworking someday. Thankfully, I have a Dad who is willing to teach me how to use power tools, so this one is a definite possibility. I might be able to make something other than a particle-board bookcase at some point!
Are there any types of art or crafts that you’d like to learn? Let me know!