There’s a “game” going around Facebook horse groups where someone posts a photo of their horse and answers some questions about them. I thought this would be fun to do here on the blog today! I’m going to do both my horse, Glory, and my best friend’s horse, Raven. I hope you enjoy learning about our horses!
My name is: Glory (Crescent Hill Glory Bound)
My nicknames: Grumpy, Glory-glory, Goofy, Glumpy the Bug-eyed Nag, Glory-girl.
My breed is: Morgan
My age is: 23 years old
My favorite food is: Mints, apples
My biggest fear is: Ladders. Bring a ladder out around me, and I will lose my mind!
My favorite thing to do: Eat, roll in the dirt after being hosed down, pull the cart.
What I hate most: Being in my stall for long periods of time.
Where do I sleep? Either out in the field or in my stall, if I’m inside. Mostly I sleep out in the field/paddock because we’re out most of the time.
Do I love cuddles? I will tolerate them if I’m in the mood to. Or if you have a treat for me.
Am I bossy? Only if I have to be. If no one else will take charge, then I will, but I’d rather be the follower.
My name is: Raven (Night Moves)
My nicknames: Waven, Rae-rae, Supervisor Rae-rae, Pretty pony
My breed is: Morgan
My age is: 22 years old
My favorite food is: Banana chips!
My biggest fear is: Being away from Glory
My favorite thing to do: Cantering, jumping, herding my girlfriend around the field, eating treats.
What I hate most: Standing still.
Where do I sleep? Sleep? What is sleep? I have to be always vigilant about dangers!
Do I love cuddles? I adore cuddles! Humans are the best, because they pay attention to me and give me cookies!
Over the past six (almost seven!) years that I’ve been around horses, I’ve taken and collected a lot of horse photos. Not only is my horse cute, but I’ve worked around a lot of horses and I’m always needing new reference photos to create art from. So I thought it would be a lot of fun to post some of my favorite photos, both that I’ve taken myself and ones that I’ve collected from around the internet. I hope you enjoy!
My Glory as a baby!
First of all, look at how adorable my Glory was as a baby! Isn’t she the cutest thing ever? She had a sassy face even at just a few days old!
Glory’s Sire, Edelweiss Magic Man
Speaking of Glory, this is the best photo that I have of her sire, Edelweiss Magic Man. I have a couple photos of him from the people that bred her, but they are terrible and the colors have deteriorated over the years, so this is the clearest picture I have of him. Glory definitely gets her good looks from her Papa, because she looks nothing like her Dam!
Horse with gloves on its ears
Now for something completely different! This gif never fails to make me giggle with delight, so I look at it whenever I’m feeling down in the dumps. There’s just something so perfect and so ridiculous about the way that the gloves sit on the horse’s ears and the way that they move and it makes me very happy!
Glory in the Snow
This photo of Glory is from our first winter together, I think. We were having a walk around the arena (this was before I started riding her, so I was hand-walking her) and she just stopped and looked out over the freshly fallen snow. It was so pretty that I actually did a watercolor painting of this photo at one point that I think my mom now has.
Life with a horse: a summary
When I first got a tablet, I downloaded a horse game. The most realistic thing about that game was that you could brush your horses every ten minutes, and every ten minutes they would be covered in mud and dirt. This meme reminds me of that game.
This photo was taken by me and is of one of the many horses I worked with at my first barn job. He’s a Morgan gelding we called Chaz, and he was just the best. A sweet boy with a great personality. This photo was from one of his first days on the farm, and he was running around with his head up, snorting and carrying on, and I always thought this picture looked like it should be on the front of Morgan Magazine. I miss this horse very dearly, he was a sweet soul and I think about him often.
Glory’s opinion on riding
This was the face Glory made after I bought my first saddle and was trying it on her. I owned this saddle for a few years but ended up selling it and saving for a different one that I use now. This was an 18 inch Wintec Wide and I’ve since gone down to a 17 inch Wintec All-Purpose. I took these pics and didn’t notice until I looked back at them that Glory was sticking her tongue out in this one!
Squishy Lips!
I found this photo on Tumblr a long time ago and it has never failed to make me laugh. I just love those big squishy lips! Bless the person who took this photo, it has brought me so much joy!
Me, Glory, Kennedy, and Raven
One last photo, because if I don’t put a limit on this we’ll be here all day. I love this photo of me and my best friend Kennedy riding our girls. This was right after we got our light-up breastplates and it was just so much fun to ride in them. Honestly, it still is fun to ride with lights on the horses and sometimes we put them on just because. (And sometimes we put them on because it gets dark very early now and we need to ride, but it’s already nighttime, so we need lights)
I hope you enjoyed looking at some of my favorite horse photos! Do you have a favorite horse picture? Share it with me!