As someone whose horse won’t step a hoof in water unless another horse goes in first, this video made me laugh out loud!
Does your horse love the water or hate it? Have you ever gone swimming with your horse? Let me know in the comments!
As someone whose horse won’t step a hoof in water unless another horse goes in first, this video made me laugh out loud!
Does your horse love the water or hate it? Have you ever gone swimming with your horse? Let me know in the comments!
It’s time for another YouTube video! In this one, I am working on my “St John’s Wort” horse, the 5th in my “Medicinal” series. I decided to do something different with this video and tell the story of how I got into horses, how I met Glory, how she became my horse, and how I started my horseback riding journey. Please let me know if you like this type of video more than the ones with just music! If so, I’ll do more like this.
What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to your horse? Let me know in the comments!
Cleaning your horse grooming brushes is very important, but can be such a pain. Soaking, scrubbing, rinsing, drying- it’s not a chore I usually look forward to! However, my best friend and I recently started making brush-cleaning fizzy bombs that contain natural ingredients that don’t leave residue and make the process a lot easier! It’s almost fun now to clean my brushes! Below is a video of me cleaning my grooming gear with one of my favorite scents of our brush fizzies. Watch the video below!
Want your own set of brush fizzies? You can order from the Equisthetics web-site here!
Want to know what gear I keep in my grooming box? Read my previous blog post here!
Today I finished the second of the “Poisonous” series, Poison Ivy! Below is a process video of me doing the colors on this piece.
I made a custom notepad this past week to get my work days organized, and got a lot of questions about it on social media! So I filmed a tutorial. It’s a really simple project and you can use any papers you like to do this with. I hope you like the video and that you have fun making some custom notepads!
Rawr! I started a new series!
I am also crazy over “Tyrannosaurus Sue” and would love to get to Chicago someday and see her in person. So that’s why I decided to start this new dinosaur series with Sue! These dinos are drawn on maps of either where a famous fossil was found, or where the dinosaur roamed in the world. Since Sue was discovered in South Dakota, I chose that map for her background.
Also, sorry about the video quality on the above. I got a video camera for Christmas and this was my first attempt at doing an art process video with it. Obviously I need to either figure out what’s up with the exposure or I need more lighting on my art desk, because that entire video is very, very blue. I’ll figure it out! I got the camera so that I can do more art videos and other videos for YouTube, and I’m loving having something dedicated to film on instead of using up space on my iPhone. So let me know what kind of videos you want to see in the next year!
I hope you all had a safe and happy new year’s eve. I can’t wait to spend 2020 with all of you. Looking forward to another year with all of you!